Meet the Governors
Mrs L. Breading - Chair of GovernorsLocal Authority Governor Term of Office - 01.09.2016 - 30.06.2027 I have served on the Governing Body since October 1988. I started life at the junior school as a parent governor – when my 4 children attended. I have run a family business since January 1990 and regard myself as having a sound financial background and understanding of ensuring best value for our budget. I have chaired the curriculum and personnel committees and I am fully aware of the need to keep up with the changes in the curriculum. I am very proud to work with such dedicated staff and governors. We have been on a long and very fulfilling journey to create this outstanding centre of learning. 100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year. |
Mr D Neale -Vice Chair of Governors
Community Governor
Term of Office - 29.04.2016 - 30.06.2027
My family’s publishing and bookbinding business moved on to Canvey Island in 1948 and I joined the company in 1961. During my career, I was Managing Director for forty years and have therefore acquired both knowledge and practical experience in all aspects of business management. However, my main focus has always been on finance and it is particularly in this area that I feel able to contribute to the governance of Canvey Junior School. Over the years that I have worked on Canvey Island, I have been involved with several educational institutions, both in the primary and secondary sectors, including periods as a school governor. In addition to my interests in business and education, I have been the chair of the management committee of The Bookbinders’ Charitable Society for more than twenty years and am also currently treasurer of Chelmsford Home-Start charity. On a personal front, I have three grown-up children and one grandchild, and my overall objective as a school governor is to do my best to ensure that all the children for whom I have a responsibility are provided with every opportunity to achieve their potential.
100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mrs S Townsley
Term of Office - N/A
I have been teaching at Canvey Junior School since 2004. I have worked across the year groups in Key Stage 2 until 2014, when I was appointed Deputy Headteacher. I remained a Teaching Deputy until September 2015 when my role as Deputy Headteacher became non class based. I still regularly taught whole class and small groups across the school and enjoyed the unique challenges my role brought. In September 2023, I was appointed as Headteacher and am relishing the new set of challenges that this role brings.
100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mr A Fernon
Deputy Headteacher
10-10-2023 - N/A
I have been very fortunate throughout my teaching career, to have worked with all ages from EYES, through to Year 6. During my career, I have fulfilled a variety of different responsibilities, from class teacher to a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Assistant Headteacher, and Deputy Headteacher at Canvey Junior School. As Deputy Headteacher, I embrace the challenges and successes each day brings, and I am fortunate enough to still regularly teach two days a week and thrive on the enthusiasm, curiosities and eagerness to learn, the children bring to school each day.
100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mr R Howard
Local Authority Governor
Term of Office - 01.02.2017 - 01.02.2025
I am an ex-pupil of Canvey Junior School and indeed the whole of my family have been educated at this school. I have been a Governor since 1966 and am a past Chairman and Vice Chairman. I was an elected Local and Essex County Councillor, and I do believe that I am able to help the school if in need, as I have done in the past. I am very proud of the school and would highlight it wherever I could in County Hall and believe that the Head and Staff, Chairman and Governing body do a superb job and although I lead a very busy public life I do my best to support them and attend all the meetings and events that the school have, because I believe the children deserve the best school we can provide.
83% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mr M O'Brien
Community Governor
Term of Office - 01.07.2013 - 30.06.2027
I am currently Head of Youth Services for the county of Essex, having worked in children's services for 30 years, and I am a professional youth worker. I previously worked in the voluntary sector, including “Childline”, and The Community Education Development Centre, leading the role of family learning projects such as “Share”, which is a national demonstration project. I am also a director of the local football club as well as an FA-qualified coach, managing a team of Under 11’s. I have 3 grown-up children, 2 grandchildren, and 3 young foster children. I have experience in HR, safeguarding, and community development, and feel being a governor is a very important opportunity to support our community.
83% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mrs K Newcombe
Canvey Re-Start Unit Non Teaching Staff Governor
Term of Office - 06.10.2021 - 06.10.2025
I have worked at Canvey Junior School for ten years, working for Canvey Re-Start. Previously to this, I worked in Early Years Education working with SEN children. Before deciding to work in a school environment, I worked for Mental Health Services based on a ward for six years and then in a Day Hospital which provided group therapy and specific activities tailored to the needs of the people attending the groups. I am fortunate to work with a dedicated team of staff who strive for the same outcomes to ensure every child succeeds, and I feel being a Governor is an important role that I enjoy.
100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.
Mrs Carol Hurry
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office - 02.02.2022 - 02.02.2026
I have been working in Education, Early Years and Youth and Community Work for nearly 40 years. I also have Safeguarding experience and currently work for a well known National Awarding Organisation as an External Quality Assurer, specialising in Health, Childcare and Education. I moved to Canvey Island 4 years ago and am pleased to be able to use my previous experience as a School Governor in a School in Dagenham in my current position as Co Opted Governor here at Canvey Junior. I am very proud to be associated with such a talented and hard-working team of staff and children here at Canvey Junior.
100% attendance at governing body and committee meetings over the last year.